Did you know that because people spend approximately 90% of their time indoors, the risks to health from exposure to indoor air pollution are actually greater than the risks associated with outdoor pollution. Indoor air pollutants include mold, dust mites and pet dander and chemical pollutants like radon, carbon monoxide, tobacco smoke and now COVID 19.
You might be tempted to think, “But my house is clean, and I am safe.” Unfortunately, that is not the case. Air pollution actually occurs inside too and according to the EPA and The World Health Organization, the illness that is linked too headaches, dizziness, and fatigue is called, “Sick building syndrome. “
In the U.S., we already spend at least 90% of our time indoors. With these numbers increasing as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, managing indoor air pollution is critical.
Where does indoor pollution come from?
Outside sources, such as wildfire inversions, or major roads and freeways. Indoor sources that release volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including wood glue, which often contains formaldehyde. Poorly designed and energy inefficient buildings unfortunately trap pollutants inside.
What are the effects of bad indoor air quality?
Bad indoor air quality can lead to a variety of negative health issues, including poor cognitive function and asthma.
In addition, lower air quality also increases the risk of:
- Reduced productivity and more sick days in the workplace.
- Lower test scores and attendance rates in schools.
- Difficulty making decisions.
- Decline in alertness.
- Decreased critical thinking abilities.
- Overall lower well-being.
How to fight indoor air pollution during the coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic:
As we stay indoors and take precautions to avoid contact with COVID-19, keeping our minds and bodies safe is crucial. Keeping our lungs healthy is essential so that if we do come into contact with the virus, we are ready to fight.
If you are concerned about the air quality in your home or workplace, consider installing both a high efficiency particulate air filter and a media filter air cleaner by Rheem. If you have any questions or would like to speak with one of our experts, please contact Nick’s Dun-Rite Heat & AC Services at 214-900-6096 to schedule your consultation.